Questões de Inglês - Grammar
3.331 Questões
Questão 67 14030241
UFRR Etapa 3 2025Question tags play an essential role in English grammar. They act as supporting material for the sentence that conforms to the speaker/writer or listener, and he accordingly gets feedback. Analyze the following sentences and provide the suitable tag respectively.
I. Let‘s go to the party, ( )?
II. Open the door, ( )?
III. No one can solve this issue, ( )?
IV. They play the piano, ( )?
V. Everyone attended the ceremony, ( )?
The CORRECT alternative is:
Questão 26 13259606
UERJ 2º EXAME 2025The dangers of preconceived judgement:
look beyond stereotypes
People often say “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, and it holds true in many aspects of life. We are all
guilty of making snap judgements about others based on their appearance, actions or even just a brief
encounter. But have you ever wondered why it’s important not to judge someone before getting to know
them? Do you ever consider that?
[5] Imagine that you are at a party and, out of the corner of your eye, you spot a person with a unique
hairstyle and an outfit that screams “fashion forward”. Your brain, always ready for action, instantly springs
into snap judgement mode. “They must be an avant-garde artist or a fashion model”, it enthusiastically
proclaims. This is thin slice judgement! It refers to the action of making lightning-fast judgements based
on minimal information. An example is when you are at a job interview, and the person in the hot seat
[10] glances at your handwriting before making a quick assessment of your personality. It sounds ludicrous,
but our brain has a way of magnifying minor details and turning them into grand narratives. As amusing
as it may seem, such judgements can have real-life consequences.
While snap judgements can provide an amusing story to share at parties, they can perpetuate stereotypes,
reinforce biases and limit our ability to see the true beauty in diversity. Instead of jumping to conclusions,
[15] it’s better to lean into curiosity. Ask questions, seek out diverse perspectives and recognize that everyone
has a unique story to tell. By embracing our inquisitive nature, we can uncover the richness of human
experiences and challenge our own biases.
Empathy is the secret weapon against prejudice. To truly understand someone, you must put yourself in
their shoes and see the world through their eyes. Actually, prejudice is when we form an opinion or make
[20] assumptions about someone without having all the facts. It’s like trying to write a book review after only
reading the first chapter. We should strive to give people a fair chance before passing judgement. Besides,
it’s essential to remember that nobody is perfect, and we should embrace diversity instead of assuming
we’re always right. Rather than acting as self-appointed judges, we should approach people with empathy
and understanding.
[25] Practicing self-compassion and recognizing our own imperfections can help us show more compassion
towards others. Harsh judgement can stem from a variety of factors, such as insecurity, fear or simply our
own experiences and biases, but it’s okay, we’ve all been there! What’s important is to take a step back and
reflect on why we are quick to judge. And, if we always do that, it’s time to think outside the box.
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The expression from the text that means “imagine oneself in somebody else’s situation” is:
Questão 11 14032447
UEA - Geral 2024Leia o texto para responder à questão abaixo
Misinformation and disinformation
Misinformation is false or inaccurate information — getting the facts wrong. Disinformation is false information, which is deliberately intended to mislead — intentionally misstating the facts.
The spread of misinformation and disinformation has affected our ability to improve public health, address climate change, maintain a stable democracy, and more. By providing valuable insight into how and why we are likely to believe misinformation and disinformation, psychological science can inform how we protect ourselves against its ill effects.
( Adaptado.)
No trecho do segundo parágrafo “we are likely to believe misinformation and disinformation”, o termo sublinhado é empregado no sentido de
Questão 30 12680154
UFAM PSI - CG 1 2024Responda a questão com base nas tirinhas a seguir:
Fonte: Acessado em: 25.09.0223
A melhor tradução para o português de “I´ve developed...” é:
Questão 58 12646822
UNIFOR Demais Cursos 2024/2Brazil: Rowers give up Olympic dream to help flood victims
Brazilian rowers Evaldo Mathias Becker and Piedro Tuchtenhagen gave up on their Olympic dreams to stay in Rio Grande do Sul, after heavy rains devastated the state.
The athletes, who compete together in the lightweight category, were hoping to take part in the upcoming qualifying phase for the Olympics in Switzerland later this month. The category has been excluded from the 2028 Olympic Games, making Paris 2024 their last chance at the medal.
They have joined other residents and people from across Brazil who have been distributing aid and using boats to save stranded neighbours and pets.
Over the weekend, river levels were on the rise again in the flood-stricken state, causing fresh flooding.
More than half a million people have been displaced from their homes and 147 are confirmed to have died in the floods.
Rescue workers continue to search for people who are missing.
Other Brazilian athletes have also stepped in to help - swimmer Viviane Jungblut, who had already qualified for the Olympic open water race, dropped out to help with rescue operations. World and Olympic surfing champion Italo Ferreira, and the coach of the Brazilian Olympic men's judo team, Antonio Carlos Kiko Pereira, also joined in to help.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mai. 2024
No trecho “They have joined other residents and people from across Brazil”, o termo em destaque se refere
Questão 55 12644251
UNIFOR Demais Cursos 2024/2Disponível em: @thelifeofsharks no Instagram.
No trecho “I won’t eat you then”, a palavra em destaque pode ser substituído por