Questões de Inglês - Grammar -
226 Questões
Questão 60 14032778
UEA - Geral 2024O setor de vendas de determinada empresa dividiu um bônus de R$ 15.000,00 entre os três funcionários que obtiveram os maiores valores em vendas no 1o bimestre de 2024, de modo diretamente proporcional ao valor das vendas de cada um. Desses três vendedores, Marcos não foi quem obteve o maior valor em vendas, e Pedro, que recebeu R$ 4.500,00 de bônus, foi quem obteve o menor valor em vendas.
Sabendo que o valor das vendas feitas por Pedro foi 90% do valor das vendas feitas por Marcos e que o valor total das vendas feitas por esses três vendedores foi R$ 900.000,00, o bônus recebido pelo funcionário que obteve o maior valor em vendas foi
Questão 11 14032447
UEA - Geral 2024Leia o texto para responder à questão abaixo
Misinformation and disinformation
Misinformation is false or inaccurate information — getting the facts wrong. Disinformation is false information, which is deliberately intended to mislead — intentionally misstating the facts.
The spread of misinformation and disinformation has affected our ability to improve public health, address climate change, maintain a stable democracy, and more. By providing valuable insight into how and why we are likely to believe misinformation and disinformation, psychological science can inform how we protect ourselves against its ill effects.
( Adaptado.)
No trecho do segundo parágrafo “we are likely to believe misinformation and disinformation”, o termo sublinhado é empregado no sentido de
Questão 55 12644251
UNIFOR Demais Cursos 2024/2Disponível em: @thelifeofsharks no Instagram.
No trecho “I won’t eat you then”, a palavra em destaque pode ser substituído por
Questão 14 11335545
FCMSCSP - Santa Casa Medicina 2024Leia o texto para responder à questão.
Some of the world’s leading artificial intelligence (AI) researchers are calling for a pause on research into AI, claiming that safety issues must first be urgently addressed. If not, the outcomes could be devastating for humanity. Others say any pause in development would not only be impractical to enforce on a global scale, but could also stand in the way of advances that could both improve and save lives.
The AI that is currently available already has the power to radically alter society, in new ways that we are seeing every day. So how might it progress over the coming years? Are we on the brink of an artificial intelligence-powered utopia or dystopia?
Firstly, technology has been automating jobs since the Industrial Revolution, though never before has it happened on this scale. Everyone from truck drivers to voice over artists are at risk of being replaced by AI. A recent study found that just over 30 jobs are considered safe from automation in the near future. They range from mechanics to athletes, though they represent just a sliver of the current labour market. While new jobs will be created, there is a significant chance that the majority of the population will be left jobless. This could either lead to:
Utopia: A new leisure class emerges, living off a universal basic income funded by taxes on robots and the companies that operate them.
Dystopia: Mass unemployment results in social unrest, similar to the way laid off factory workers trashed the machines that replaced them. With so many jobs at risk and the potential for huge wealth inequality, some fear it could ultimately result in societal collapse.
Secondly, artificial intelligence is already contributing to major scientific advances, dramatically accelerating the time it takes to make discoveries. It has been used to invent millions of materials that did not previously exist, find potential drug molecules 1,000 times faster than previous methods, and improve our understanding of the universe. This could either lead to:
Utopia: Cancer and all other life-threatening diseases are cured, leading to a new age of health and prosperity. Scientists are already using AI tools to make breakthroughs in longevity medicine, which aims to end or even reverse ageing.
Dystopia: The same AI-enabled technology could be used for malevolent purposes, creating entirely new diseases and viruses. These could be used as bioweapons, capable of devastating populations that don’t have access to cures or the tech needed to develop them.
(Anthony Cuthbertson., 03.05.2023. Adaptado.)
No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “though never before has it happened on this scale”, o termo sublinhado expressa, no contexto apresentado, ideia de
Questão 10 12620017
UEA - SIS 1ª Etapa 2024/2026 2023Leia o texto para responder à questão abaixo.
The spread of fake news can have both personal and academic consequences. In a perfect world everything reported would be based only on facts and you would be able to trust that the media you consume is reliable. But unfortunately that’s not the case. You should learn to spot false information because fake news can:
1. Call into question the credibility of your sources. As a student you are expected to find, evaluate, and reference trustworthy information sources in a variety of formats. If you include fake news as evidence for your arguments or as part of your research it may raise doubts about the integrity of the sources you use as a whole and your ability to identify quality information. Maintain the respect of your professors, peers, friends, and family by citing only true, credible news and information sources.
2. Provide you with false, confusing, or dishonest information used to make a decision or take action. It can be dangerous to do something without having all the facts, but it can be just as detrimental to do so based on inaccurate information. Whether it’s political, medical, academic, or personal, you need to be able to recognize when the information you are taking in can be trusted to help you make an intelligent, fact-based choice.
(, 26.05.2023. Adaptado.)
O trecho do primeiro parágrafo “You should learn to spot false information” corresponde, em português, a:
Questão 33 10663910
FDF C. Gerais 2023Leia o texto para responder à questão.
A study conducted by researchers in the US found that losing just one hour of rest could kill people's desire to help others, even relatives and close friends. The team noted that a bad night appeared to dampen activity in the part of the brain that encouraged social behaviour. "We discovered that sleep loss acts as a trigger of asocial behaviour, reducing the innate desire of humans to help one another," said Prof Matthew Walker, co-author of the study at the University of California. "In a way, the less sleep you get, the less social and more selfish you become."
The researchers suggest that a chronic sleep deficit could harm social bonds and compromise the altruistic instincts that shape society. "Considering the essentiality of humans helping in maintaining cooperative, civilised societies, together with the robust erosion of sleep time over the last 50 years, the ramifications of these discoveries are highly relevant to how we shape the societies we wish to live in," said Walker.
The team examined the willingness of 160 participants to help others with a "self-reported altruism questionnaire", which they completed after a night's sleep. Participants responded to different social scenarios on a scale from "I would stop to help" to "I would ignore them". In one experiment involving 24 participants, the researchers compared answers from the same person after a restful night and after 24 hours without sleep. The results revealed a 78% decline in self-reported eagerness to help others when tired.
(Sascha Pare. 23.08.2022. Adaptado.)
In the excerpt from the second paragraph "a chronic sleep deficit could harm social bonds", the underlined word can be replaced, without meaning change, by