Questões de Inglês - Grammar - Modals - Should
33 Questões
Questão 10 12620017
UEA - SIS 1ª Etapa 2024/2026Leia o texto para responder à questão abaixo.
The spread of fake news can have both personal and academic consequences. In a perfect world everything reported would be based only on facts and you would be able to trust that the media you consume is reliable. But unfortunately that’s not the case. You should learn to spot false information because fake news can:
1. Call into question the credibility of your sources. As a student you are expected to find, evaluate, and reference trustworthy information sources in a variety of formats. If you include fake news as evidence for your arguments or as part of your research it may raise doubts about the integrity of the sources you use as a whole and your ability to identify quality information. Maintain the respect of your professors, peers, friends, and family by citing only true, credible news and information sources.
2. Provide you with false, confusing, or dishonest information used to make a decision or take action. It can be dangerous to do something without having all the facts, but it can be just as detrimental to do so based on inaccurate information. Whether it’s political, medical, academic, or personal, you need to be able to recognize when the information you are taking in can be trusted to help you make an intelligent, fact-based choice.
(, 26.05.2023. Adaptado.)
O trecho do primeiro parágrafo “You should learn to spot false information” corresponde, em português, a:
Questão 43 9483130
EEAR 1º Etapa 2023Match the columns according to the meaning of the modal verb in bold in each sentence below.
1 – Impossibility ( ) Mark studied hard for his exams, but he got poor marks; he can’t be very clever.
2 – Possibility ( ) You should work less! You look too tired!
3 – Prohibition ( ) She may be in the garden.
4 – Advice ( ) You mustn’t enter here.
Questão 19 13222079
CBMERJ Vestibular 2021Masterpieces rejected by art critics
Shoe, by Andy Warhol
Despite severe criticism, famous artists continued
to move forward and pursue their art with the same
Art is a struggle – for everyone. Not just because
5 - the creative process involves rigorous mental and
physical effort but also because it is a very difficult
career path to take. With thousands of struggling
creative professionals across the globe trying to
“make it”, pursuing art-making can become very
10 - discouraging. However, the trick is to keep moving
forward despite all the obstacles you face. And when
that becomes hard, it can help to go back and look to the masters for inspiration, artistic and
Most masters, as we know them now, did not have it as easy as we think. They struggled too,
15 - and more likely than not, a lot more than any of us ever will need to. However, they managed to
look past the rejections and the criticism and focused on their art alone because they believed in
themselves. Here are some of the obstacles that a greatest artist faced in his lifetime to inspire you
to keep moving forward and make you realize that rejection is just a part of the struggle that evolves
you as an artist, not the end of it.
20 - Andy Warhol was undoubtedly the most unapologetically controversial artist of his time. Critics
thrashed his works as “aesthetic frauds” and criticized him for reducing art to a “hands-off business”.
In 1956, Andy Warhol donated a work of his (Shoe) to the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Soon after, Alfred H. Barr Jr., the Director of the Museum Collections at the time, wrote Warhol
a letter rejecting his (free gift!) work due to “limited gallery and storage space”. “We must turn
25 - down gifts offered since we feel it is not fair to accept as a gift a work which may be shown only
infrequently”, he explained.
Today, the Museum of Modern Art has 168 of Warhol’s works in their private collection, including
the Shoe.
We’ve all been there. The very moment you create something, you open yourself up to critique.
30 - Whether or not you ask for it, art criticism can be a hard pill to swallow. Training yourself to accept
and learn from your harshest critics is one of the most difficult – but most rewarding – skills to
develop as an artist. But if the masters could do it, so can you!
TANYA SINGH Adaptado de
art criticism can be a hard pill to swallow. (l. 30)
In the sentence above, those who are supposed to swallow the pill are the ones below:
Questão 9 5163972
UEA - SIS 2° Etapa 2020Leia o texto para responder a questão.
Reasons why plastic bags should be banned
Plastic bags are everywhere in our environment. When we go to purchase our groceries, we use plastic bags because they are convenient. In fact, in our modern lives, they have become part of us. However, the convenience of these plastic bags come at a very high cost to the environment and negatively affect human health. Several cities globally have begun banning the use of plastic bags while some have enforced restricted laws against the use of plastic bags because of the negative effects of their usage.
Besides, the use of plastic bags is considered as one of the 11 issues that humans are facing in their contemporary life. Countries such as China have banned the use of plastics. Bangladesh and India have only banned the use and sale of polyethylene bags which basically have thickness of less than 50 microns.
Plastic bags do not only pollute our water but also our land. Plastic bags are usually lightweight and, as such, they can travel very long distances by either water or wind. Wind blows these plastic bags and trashes a whole area. These litters get caught up in between trees, fences and float in water bodies, then moving to the world’s oceans.
( Adaptado.
No título do texto, a expressão “should be banned” indica que os sacos plásticos
Questão 31 1709495
EN 1° Dia 2019Which option completes the text below correctly”?
Tips for a Healthy Diet
You eat vegetables every day. Vegetables contain essential vitamins and substances that are very important for your organism.
You only eat what you like to eat because to stay healthy you also need to eat what your organism needs you to eat.
(Adapted from hitps://
Questão 19 608931
UFT Tarde 2019/1Read the following text in order to answer QUESTION
Pluto should be reclassified as a planet, experts say
The reason Pluto lost its planet status is not valid, according to new research from the University of Central Florida in Orlando. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a global group of astronomy experts, established a definition of a planet that required it to "clear" its orbit, or in other words, be the largest gravitational force in its orbit. […]
Metzger, who is lead author on the study, reviewed scientific literature from the past 200 years and found only one publication -- from 1802 -- that used the clearing-orbit requirement to classify planets, and it was based on since-disproven reasoning.
"It's a sloppy definition," Metzger said of the IAU's definition. "They didn't say what they meant by clearing their orbit. If you take that literally, then there are no planets, because no planet clears its orbit." […]
Metzger said that the definition of a planet should be based on its intrinsic properties, rather than ones that can change, such as the dynamics of a planet's orbit. "Dynamics are not constant, they are constantly changing," Metzger said. "So, they are not the fundamental description of a body, they are just the occupation of a body at a current era."
Instead, Metzger recommends classifying a planet based on if it is large enough that its gravity allows it to become spherical in shape. "And that's not just an arbitrary definition, Metzger said. "It turns out this is an important milestone in the evolution of a planetary body, because apparently when it happens, it initiates active geology in the body."
Source: University of Central Florida. "Pluto should be reclassified as a planet, experts say." ScienceDaily, 7 September 2018. Available at: <>.
In the title of the text, the modal verb SHOULD conveys the idea of: