Questões de Inglês - Grammar - Questions
78 Questões
Questão 44 12613274
ESA 2024What are the missing question words in the inquiry made by Sergeant Brooks?
Sergeant Brooks: Can you tell me _____ you last saw Private Johnson?
Corporal Diaz: I last saw him in Colonel Grant’s office.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ did you see him exactly?
Corporal Diaz: Five minutes before lunch break.
Sergeant Brooks: And _____ was he doing there?
Corporal Diaz: He was repairing the colonel’s computer.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ was he with?
Corporal Diaz: Nobody. He was alone.
Sergeant Brooks: _____ did you go to the Colonel’s Office?
Corporal Diaz: Because I had to take documents to Colonel Grant before he left for lunch.
Questão 8 9536278
UEMG 2023Para responder essa questão, leia a diálogo a seguir.
Justin: I think we're lost.
Melissa: Yes! We are alone, in the rain, at night, on an unfamiliar road. Call Alice.
After talking to Justin for a few minutes, he returns to Melissa.
Melissa: What did Alice say?
Justin: She said she's going to go home and ask for help.
Assinale a alternativa que indique, corretamente, a oração que traz um exemplo de discurso indireto.
Questão 20 9417767
ACAFE Verão 2023Analyse the comic strip and mark the alternative that answers the question below:
Based on the interviewee’s answer: “Yes I’m very punctual. I always use commas and periods.”, it's possible to infer the question made by the interviewer.
Did the interviewee answer it properly? Why/Why not?
Questão 26 7205215
PUC-GO 2019/1People often use short forms to answer questions in English. Read the following questions:
I - Can you come tomorrow?
II - Is it going to rain today?
III - Have you finished your dinner?
IV - Are you sick?
Mark the alternative that correctly answers the questions I, II, III and IV respecting this order:
Questão 20 604542
Engaging Doctors in the Health Care Revolution
Despite wondrous advances in medicine and technology, health care regularly fails at the fundamental job of any business: to reliably deliver what its customers need. In the face of ever-increasing complexity, the hard work and best intentions of individual physicians can no longer guarantee efficient, high-quality care. Fixing health care will require a radical transformation, moving from a system organized around individual physicians to a team-based approach focused on patients. Doctors, of course, must be central players in the transformation: Any ambitious strategy that they do not embrace is doomed.
And yet, many physicians are deeply anxious about the changes under way and are mourning real or anticipated losses of autonomy, respect, and income. They are being told that they must accept new organizational structures, ways of working, payment models, and performance goals. They struggle to care for the endless stream of patients who want to be seen, but they constantly hear that much of what they do is waste. They’re moving at various rates through the stages of grief: A few are still in denial, but many are in the second stage—anger. Bursts of rage over relatively small issues are common.
Given doctors’ angst, how can leaders best engage them in redesigning care? In our roles in senior management of two large U.S. health care systems, and as observers and partners of many others, we have seen firsthand that winning physicians’ support takes more than simple incentives. Leaders at all levels must draw on reserves of optimism, courage, and resilience. They must develop an understanding of behavioral economics and social capital and be ready to part company with clinicians who refuse to work with their colleagues to improve outcomes and efficiency.
To help health care leaders engage physicians in the pursuit of their organizations’ greater goals, we suggest a framework based on the writings of the economist and sociologist Max Weber, who described four motivations that drive social action (that is, action in response to others’ behavior). Adapted for health care professionals, these are: shared purpose, self-interest, respect, and tradition. Leaders can use these levers to earn doctors’ buy-in and bring about the change the system so urgently needs.
(Adapted from
Choose the proper question tag for the following sentence adapted from the text:
“They are being told that they must accept new organizational structures, ___________”.
Questão 72 14032701
UFRR Etapa 3 2018TEXT
Taken from Accessed on August 21st, 2017
In the exerpt "In that case, do you have any of your teachers‘ e-mail addresses?", taken from TEXT, the corresponding reported speech for the sentence would be: