Questões de Inglês - Grammar - There is / there are
12 Questões
Questão 1 5606969
UEMS 2021Read Text to answer question
The Brazilian culture is one of the world’s most varied and diverse. This is due to its being a melting pot of nationalities, (I) __________ a result of centuries of European domination (II) _________ slavery, which brought hordes of African migrants across Brazil’s borders to live in and influence the local cultures with their ancient customs and ideas. The European settlers also brought ideas, innovations (III) ______ belief systems with them, shaping the local societies significantly. All of these different influences have meant that the modern-day Brazilian culture is unique and very complex.
At present, Brazil has a population of about 190 million people. Of these, more than half are white (IV)__________ includes Portuguese, Italian, Polish etc... individuals), just fewer than 40% are mixed black and white and less than 10% are black.
Approximately 80% of the population ascribes to the Roman Catholic faith. This is due to the intense Portuguese occupation of centuries ago. These European settlers taught the indigenous tribes Catholicism, built churches and established traditions and customs that originated in this church.
Also due to the mass Portuguese settlements during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, this language is the official language of Brazil. There are small numbers of indigenous people and immigrants who still speak their own tongues, but these are certainly among the vast minority.
Brazilians, as a nation, focus much importance on the family structure and the values that are entrenched within that institution. Families are usually large, and even extended family members are close with one another, providing much-needed help and support to each other (V) ___________ and (VI) ______________ necessary.
Adapted Text - Available at: The%20Brazilian%20culture%20is%20one%20of%20the%20 world's%20most%20varied%20and%20diverse.&text=At%20 present%2C%20Brazil%20has%20a,less%20than%2010%25 %20are%20black.. Access on: 08 jan. 2021.
De acordo com o texto, quais são as nacionalidades que fazem parte da diversidade cultural brasileira?
Questão 4 6829419
UFMS PSV 2021Leia o texto para responder à questão.
RUBIÃO found a rival in the heart of Quincas Borba, - a dog, a beautiful dog, half size, lead-colored fur, spotted black. Quincas Borba took it everywhere they slept in the same room. In the morning, it was the dog that woke him up, in bed, where they exchanged their first greetings. One of the owner's extravagances was giving it his own name; but, he explained it for two reasons, one doctrinal, another particular (...).
- You should laugh, my dear. Because immortality is my lot or my dowry, or as best name there is. I will live perpetually in my book. Those who, however, do not can read, charlatan Quincas Borba to the dog, and ...
The dog, hearing the name, ran to the bed. Quincas Borba, touched, looked at Quincas Borba.
- My poor friend! my good friend! my only friend!
- Unique!
- Excuse me, you are too, I know, and I thank you very much; but to a sick person everything is forgiven. Perhaps my delusion is beginning. Let me see the mirror.
Trecho traduzido a partir de: v000243.pdf. Acesso em: 15 dez. 2020.
The text above is a synopsis of a television show that will be released later this year. What is the genre of this show?
Questão 47 5945680
PUC-GO Medicina 2021/1Read the following text:
U.S.A. FOR AFRICA - We Are The World (1985) - YouTube
There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
(Available in: 4tFP1zcsNjAtsSgwNDVg9BLPLS3OTE5UKE9VSCxKVSjJ SFUozy_KSQEA5zYMeA&q=musica+we+are+the+world& oq=musica+we+&aqs=chrome.1.0j46l2j69i57j0l4.44137j0j4 &sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8. Accessed on: October 4th, 2020.)
Mark the only sentence with a non-personal verb:
Questão 3 5606997
UEMS 2021Read Text to answer question
The Brazilian culture is one of the world’s most varied and diverse. This is due to its being a melting pot of nationalities, (I) __________ a result of centuries of European domination (II) _________ slavery, which brought hordes of African migrants across Brazil’s borders to live in and influence the local cultures with their ancient customs and ideas. The European settlers also brought ideas, innovations (III) ______ belief systems with them, shaping the local societies significantly. All of these different influences have meant that the modern-day Brazilian culture is unique and very complex.
At present, Brazil has a population of about 190 million people. Of these, more than half are white (IV)__________ includes Portuguese, Italian, Polish etc... individuals), just fewer than 40% are mixed black and white and less than 10% are black.
Approximately 80% of the population ascribes to the Roman Catholic faith. This is due to the intense Portuguese occupation of centuries ago. These European settlers taught the indigenous tribes Catholicism, built churches and established traditions and customs that originated in this church.
Also due to the mass Portuguese settlements during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, this language is the official language of Brazil. There are small numbers of indigenous people and immigrants who still speak their own tongues, but these are certainly among the vast minority.
Brazilians, as a nation, focus much importance on the family structure and the values that are entrenched within that institution. Families are usually large, and even extended family members are close with one another, providing much-needed help and support to each other (V) ___________ and (VI) ______________ necessary.
Adapted Text - Available at: The%20Brazilian%20culture%20is%20one%20of%20the%20 world's%20most%20varied%20and%20diverse.&text=At%20 present%2C%20Brazil%20has%20a,less%20than%2010%25 %20are%20black.. Access on: 08 jan. 2021.
Os vocábulos destracados no primeiro parágrafo referem-se a:
Questão 2 5606988
UEMS 2021Read Text to answer question
The Brazilian culture is one of the world’s most varied and diverse. This is due to its being a melting pot of nationalities, (I) __________ a result of centuries of European domination (II) _________ slavery, which brought hordes of African migrants across Brazil’s borders to live in and influence the local cultures with their ancient customs and ideas. The European settlers also brought ideas, innovations (III) ______ belief systems with them, shaping the local societies significantly. All of these different influences have meant that the modern-day Brazilian culture is unique and very complex.
At present, Brazil has a population of about 190 million people. Of these, more than half are white (IV)__________ includes Portuguese, Italian, Polish etc... individuals), just fewer than 40% are mixed black and white and less than 10% are black.
Approximately 80% of the population ascribes to the Roman Catholic faith. This is due to the intense Portuguese occupation of centuries ago. These European settlers taught the indigenous tribes Catholicism, built churches and established traditions and customs that originated in this church.
Also due to the mass Portuguese settlements during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, this language is the official language of Brazil. There are small numbers of indigenous people and immigrants who still speak their own tongues, but these are certainly among the vast minority.
Brazilians, as a nation, focus much importance on the family structure and the values that are entrenched within that institution. Families are usually large, and even extended family members are close with one another, providing much-needed help and support to each other (V) ___________ and (VI) ______________ necessary.
Adapted Text - Available at: The%20Brazilian%20culture%20is%20one%20of%20the%20 world's%20most%20varied%20and%20diverse.&text=At%20 present%2C%20Brazil%20has%20a,less%20than%2010%25 %20are%20black.. Access on: 08 jan. 2021.
Complete as lacunas numeradas no texto com as conjunções corretas.
Questão 33 5552979
EN 1° Dia 2020Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
Spinach is very thin, so there's more loss of moisture and exposure to heat and oxygen compared to a carrot, ?
(Adapted from https:/