Questões de Inglês - Grammar - Verb Tenses
218 Questões
Questão 9 9536292
UEMG 2023Comece essa questão lendo esse trecho de uma notícia sobre viagem.
Canada's 1,300km Atlantic rail route
The moment I realised I could experience everything I love about business-class flights for a fraction of the price – and travel more sustainably in the process – I was converted to train travel for life. The VIA Rail Montreal to Halifax train (the Ocean line) is the oldest continuously operating passenger train in North America, having transported people between Halifax and Montreal for more than 100 years.
Fonte: BBC NEWS. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2023.
Qual é o tempo verbal do verbo “realised”?
Questão 15 6902643
UnB 1° Dia 2022Chile’s Atacama Desert is known for its beauty, wildlife, starry night skies and amazing hot air balloon rides. Now it’s also becoming infamous for its dunes of discarded fast fashion.
Up to 59,000 tons of unsold clothes make their way from the U.S. and Europe to the Iquique Port in Northern Chile’s Atacama Desert every year, according to an Aljazeera estimate. The idea is to sell the clothes in Latin America. But only about 20,000 tons of the clothes leave Chile. What’s left in the Zona Franca de Iquique, or tax-free import zone, winds up piled up in illegal desert landfills or burned.
Clothing takes hundreds of years to biodegrade, if it ever does at all. Many municipal landfills won’t take textiles because chemicals they contain seep into the ground and cause problems.
Some of the other problems with fast fashion — child labor, terrible working conditions and outrageous water consumption — were already common knowledge among people who care about such things.
But the idea of piles of cheap, vibrantly colored clothing journeying from China to the U.S. and then to an enormous desert in South America is mind-bogglingly bizarre and wrong. One recycling project, Ecofibra Chile, is working with importers to remove textile waste and transform it into thermal insulation panels. Other local groups are trying to get funds to address the problem of discarded clothing with heavy machinery to remove the clothes and recover public spaces, starting with areas closest to cities. Of course, there will still be the problem of where to relocate all those hoodies and dresses.
Teresa Bergen. Fast fashion stacks up in Chile’s Atacama Desert. Internet: (adapted)
The expression “won’t take” (third paragraph) could be correctly replaced with will not take.
Questão 65 6779493
UFRR 3° Etapa 2022TEXT
Bolsa Família - a decade of social inclusion in Brazil A decade debunking myths and exceeding expectations
In 2003, the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) was taking its first steps, with a broad set of challenges still ahead. Its objectives were to contribute to the social inclusion of families constrained by extreme poverty by providing immediate relief to their situation, and to stimulate improvements to their education and health, in order to cease the intergenerational cycle of poverty reproduction. It was necessary to unify existing sectoral programs of cash transfer, consolidate the Unified Registry for Social Programs (Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais – CadÚnico), create a federal strategy for its management, monitor the conditionalities and ensure supply and access to basic services. Ten years later, the objectives were fully achieved and, in most cases, surpassed. Based on its wide coverage, excellent focus and significant impacts on the living conditions of the population, the success of the BFP is evident
Adaptado de: CAMPELLO, T.; NERI, M.C. (org). Bolsa Família Program – a decade of social inclusion in Brazil – Executive Summary. Brasília: IPEA, 2014. Disponível em: rticle&id=21864. Acesso em 20 out. 2021.
Verb tenses indicate when events happened telling the readers about the time of a text. Based on the predominant verb structures of the text above, we can affirm it:
Questão 43 8410888
EEAR 2021Read the text and answer question.
An e-mail to Mary
Hi, Mary!
How are you? I miss you so much!
I arrived in Rome last week and I’m having a lot of fun. This morning my parents and I woke up at 8:00 and had a great breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards, I walked a little and saw many tourists (many from Russia and China) and even some famous people!
Now we are going to Venice.
How are things in Las Vegas? Come meet us!
See you soon!
All verbs below, underlined in the text, are in the Simple Past, EXCEPT:
Questão 2 7523555
UFMS PASSE - 1ª Etapa 2021-2023Leia o trecho a seguir, observe as palavras sublinhadas e, então, assinale a alternativa que correlacione corretamente as palavras destacadas com o seu referido tópico gramatical.
An early influencer who’d been on YouTube since 2010, Marbles apologized for the racist and sexist videos. She blocked the videos, so they can no longer be viewed and she issued a tearful apology to her followers. “It’s not OK,” she said. “It’s shameful. It’s awful
(Fonte: Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 out. 2021).
Questão 3 6829342
UFMS PSV 2021Leia o texto para responder à questão.
Daniel Ferreira, 24, is a guy who had to learn to overcome expectations from the day he was born, without his arms, due to a treatment with thalidomy that his mother had to do during pregnancy. “Some relatives did not bet a chip on me; they saw me as a poor thing,” he says. It turns out that he did not put any brakes on any ambition, he did very well in life and, painting
About the International Day of People with Disabilities, celebrated last Wednesday (3), he says: “Unfortunately, we still need special days to remember minorities, such as blacks, homosexuals and the disabled. Brazil is not prepared in any way to meet the needs of people with disabilities. There is no accessibility. Neither public nor private schools have a structure. We still have a lot to fight for ”.
The boy speaks properly on the subject, since he had to fight hard to be able to study in a regular public school, from the age of seven. The principal argued that the state institution was not supported to receive a student with a disability. His father, Francisco, was the one who had to build a special desk, without State aid, so that Daniel could write with his feet.
(Fonte: Texto Adaptado. Disponível em: ca-daniel-ferreira-o-artista-que-pinta-com-os-pes-e-aboca/. Acesso em: 15 dez. 2020).
Considerando o terceiro parágrafo do texto, assinale a alternativa que indica corretamente o tempo verbal predominante nas frases destacadas.
“(...) since he had to fight hard to be able to study in a regular public school, from the age of seven. The principal argued that the state institution was not supported to receive a student with a disability. His father, Francisco, was the one who had to build a special desk, without State aid, so that Daniel could write with his feet”.