Questões de Inglês - Grammar - Verb Tenses - Future perfect continuous / progressive
2 Questões
Questão 29 7224786
O fragmento presente no TEXTO "I‘m quitting Facebook" é um exemplo de construção em qual tempo verbal?
Questão 1 5469811
UFMS PASSE - 2ª Etapa 2019-2021Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.
The Brazilian culture is one of the world’s most varied and diverse. This is due to its being a melting pot of nationalities, as a result of centuries of European domination as well as slavery, which brought hordes of African migrants across Brazil’s borders to live in and influence the local cultures with their ancient customs and ideas. The European settlers also brought ideas, innovations and belief systems with them, shaping the local societies significantly. All of these different influences have meant that the modern-day Brazilian culture is unique and very complex.
At present, Brazil has a population of about 190 million people. Of these, more than half are white (which includes Portuguese, Italian, German, Polish etc... individuals), just fewer than 40% are mixed Afro-Brazilian and white and less than 10% are Afro-Brazilian.
Brazilians, as a nation, focus much importance on the family structure and the values that are entrenched within that institution. Families are usually large, and even extended family members are close with one another, providing much-needed help and support to each other whenever and however necessary.
Brazilians are usually rather affectionate, tactile people. Men shake hands with one another, while women are going to kiss each others’ cheeks in greeting. They are going to start with the left cheek and then kiss the right. In business relationships, Brazilian businessmen are going to know one another before committing to long-term business dealings, as they want to know those with whom they deal.
(Texto Adaptado. Disponível em: e%20Brazilian%20culture%20is%20one%20of%20the%20wo rld's%20most%20varied%20and%20diverse.&text=At%20pr esent%2C%20Brazil%20has%20a,less%20than%2010%25% 20are%20black.. Acesso em: 15 dez. 2020).
Qual é o tempo verbal predominante no período a seguir?
“(...) while women are going to kiss each others’ cheeks in greeting. They are going to start with the left cheek and then kiss the right. In business relationships, Brazilian businessmen are going to know one another.”