Questões de Inglês - Reading/Writing - Application
13 Questões
Questão 20 1442901
FAMERP 2020Observe the image.
The art print overlaps
Questão 83 6548703
FAMECA 2016Leia o texto para responder a questão.
Night sweats
Kathleen Davis
July 17, 2015
Night sweats, also known as sleep hyperhidrosis, refers to sweating at night resulting in drenched sleepwear and sheets, unrelated to an overheated sleeping environment. Night sweats affect approximately 3% of the population and can be a sign of a serious disease. Although the majority of causes of night sweats are non-life threatening, a health care provider should always be consulted to determine the underlying cause.
Facts about sweating
Sweating is the body’s natural cooling system to prevent overheating. The brain’s hypothalamus regulates our body temperature, utilizing over two million sweat glands to help keep us cool. During periods of exercise, hot weather, or when the body’s core temperature goes too high, the hypothalamus triggers the glands to release sweat. As the watery sweat evaporates from the skin, it releases heat energy, which in turn cools the body.
Causes of night sweats
Hot days and workouts are not the only things that trigger the hypothalamus to cool us down. Other conditions can trigger the hypothalamus to produce excess sweat, particularly during sleep. Some of these conditions include: (1) infection: tuberculosis is the infection most commonly associated with night sweats. Others include HIV, influenza, and other febrile illnesses; (2) various hormone (endocrine) imbalances that occur with menopause, diabetes, thyroid disease, puberty, and pregnancy; (3) ailments such as obstructive sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux, anxiety disorders, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and Parkinson disease; (4) substance abuse; (5) medication side effects: many medications such as antidepressants, hormones, diabetes medications, pain relievers, and steroids can cause sweating.
Treatments for night sweats
The treatment of choice for night sweats depends upon the underlying cause such as correcting hormone irregularities, adjusting medications, and attending to contributing factors. If there is no direct determined cause of the excessive sweating, treatment consists of both prevention and management methods. Night sweats are a common annoyance usually associated with sleeping in warmer than ideal conditions. However, persons with drenching night sweats or a change in their pattern of sweating should pursue a medical evaluation.
Menopause symptoms ‘last for at least 7 years’
Hot flashes and night sweats affect up to 75% of women in the US who are going through menopause. Though common, these symptoms can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life. But how long do they last? According to a new study published in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) Internal Medicine, many women may experience these symptoms frequently for at least 7 years.
( Adaptado.)
No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “Other conditions can trigger the hypothalamus”, a palavra destacada tem sentido equivalente, em português, a
Questão 76 47656
UFPR 2008Cabin Environment
There is an erroneous perception that the cabin environment of a pressurized aircraft 1 is bad. That is not true. Treated by
HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance) filters – similar to those used in organ transplanting and burn hospital units – the air
in airplane cabins is climatized and dehydrated, which makes the environment free from fungi and bacteria and - because the air
relative humidity becomes very low – even protects the existing airborne electronic equipment (avionics). The air flow is directed
[5] downwards, thus reducing the rate of contamination between seats. Additionally, all of the cabin air is replaced every three minutes.
This will keep the oxygen rates throughout the aircraft at much higher levels than those required by human consumption, and
carbon dioxide and particulate matter at acceptable levels with respect to passenger safety, health and comfort.
(Adaptado de: TAM magazine, ano 3, nº 34, dez. 2006.)
Consider the following consequences:
1. Bacteria are eliminated.
2. Air humidity becomes low.
3. The environment is subject to risk.
4. Passengers become healthier.
5. Aircraft equipment may be exposed to danger.
6. Air becomes dehydrated.
Which sentences refer to consequences of using HEPA filters in aircraft cabins?
Questão 54 103120
FAMEVAÇO Tipo A 2015/1Questão 58 85699
UNIFOR Graduação 2015/1Um dos usos do discurso indireto é o de expressar pensamentos, ideias, opiniões ou sentimentos.
Analise as sentenças que reportam à forma correta do discurso indireto da sentença abaixo:
People think he is completely mad.
I. People think him to be completely mad.
II. It is thought that he is completely mad.
III. He is thought to be completely mad.
IV. People think him is completely mad.
É correta APENAS o que se afirma em:
Questão 39 47960
UDESC Matutino 2013/1TEXT 1
English as an international language
[1] About one hundred years ago many educated people learned and spoke French when
they met people from other countries. Today most people speak English when they
meet foreigners. It has become the new international language. There are more people
who speak English as a second language than people who speak English as a first
[5] language. Why is this?
There are many reasons why English has become so popular. One of them is that
English has become the language of business. Another important reason is that popular
American culture (like movies, music, and McDonald's) has quickly spread throughout
the world. It has brought its language with it.
[10] Is it good that English has spread to all parts of the world so quickly? I don't know. It's
important to have a language that the people of the earth have in common. Our world
has become very global and we need to communicate with one another. On the other
hand, English is a fairly complicated language to learn and it brings its culture with it. Do
we really need that?
[15] Scientists have already tried to create an artificial language that isn't too difficult and
doesn't include any one group's culture. It is called Esperanto. But it hasn't become
popular. But maybe the popularity of English won't last that long either. Who knows?
There are more people in the world who speak Chinese than any other language.
Maybe someday Chinese will be the new international language. Accessed on June 19th
The best alternative which completes the sentence above is: … has brought the language with it.