Questões de Inglês - Listening/Speaking - Advertisement
6 Questões
Questão 39 12066118
UFSM Tarde 2024Para responder à questão, considere o texto a seguir.
Did you know that your pets have different welfare needs? The Five Domains Model will help you make sure your pets are healthy and happy
Fonte: FOUR PAWS. The five domains for animal welfare. África do Sul, 11 jul. 2020. Disponível em: https://www. Acesso em: 02 out. 2023. (Adaptado)
Considere as afirmativas a seguir com base nos cinco domínios abordados no infográfico do texto.
I → O bem-estar animal depende mais da saúde física do que da saúde mental.
II → É preciso possibilitar que os animais de estimação socializem com outros da mesma espécie.
III → Animais de estimação precisam de espaço suficiente, de lugar adequado para descansar e se abrigar e de oportunidades para tomarem suas próprias decisões.
Está(ão) correta(s)
Questão 5 6636062
UFGD 2022Com base na imagem apresentada, é correto afirmar que
Questão 18 4442905
UNICAMP 2° Dia 2021O cartaz reproduzido a seguir faz parte de uma campanha da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde.
Qual das medidas abaixo é recomendada no cartaz?
Questão 4 4566872
UEG 2019/1Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
According to the information expressed in the image and data, when kids are physically active, we verify that
Questão 14 5764616
UNIEVA Demais Cursos 2017/1Leia o anúncio para responder à questão.
De acordo com o anúncio,
Questão 14 4605695
Unilago 2015/1Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.
Fatal Superbugs: Antibiotics Losing Effectiveness, WHO says.
The World Health Organization’s new report on the growing global threat adds to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report last year showing that two million people in the United States are infected annually with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and 23,000 of them die each year as a result. To understand the dangers posed by superbugs, National Geographic spoke with Stuart Levy, chair of the board of the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston.
What exactly are superbugs?
They are bacteria resistant to one or more antibiotics, and they make it difficult to treat or cure infections that once were easily treated. The antibiotic has lost its ability to control or kill bacterial growth. The bacteria can grow even in a sea of antibiotics because the antibiotic doesn’t touch them.
How are the bacteria able to circumvent the power of antibiotics?
The bacteria have acquired the ability to destroy the antibiotic in order to protect themselves. They’ve developed a gene for resistance to, say, penicillin, and that gene protects them. A genetic mutation might enable a bacteria to produce enzymes that inactivate antibiotics. Or [a mutation] might eliminate the target that the antibiotic is supposed to attack. A bacteria may have developed resistance to five or six antibiotics, so in treatment, you don’t know which one to choose. And the bacteria accumulate resistance by developing new genes. Genetics is working against us, almost like a science-fiction story.
Why are these superbugs spreading and the threat growing?
We’re continuing to use antibiotics in a bad way. They’re supposed to be used to combat bacteria, not viruses. The common cold is a virus. Any time you use an antibiotic when it’s not needed, you’re pushing antibiotic resistance ahead. People are misusing them in their homes. They may have a stockpile they’ve saved, and think taking [an antibiotic] will help them with a cold. They’re not helping their cold, and they’re propagating resistance.
(Adaptado de: Acesso em: 1 maio 2014.)
Em relação ao texto, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. As superbactérias causam a morte de milhares de pessoas nos EUA todo ano.
II. A disseminação de superbactérias é uma ameaça grave e crescente no mundo todo.
III. A Organização Mundial de Saúde alerta que superbactérias são resistentes a todos os antibióticos.
IV. O perigo da contaminação pelas superbactérias é maior para a população norte-americana.
Assinale a alternativa correta.